Friday, April 11, 2014

ABC About Me: TAG

Hey guys, I'M BACK!

It's finally spring break for me and I'm so happy and relieved, you guys have no idea!

Gif source:

This was me when the final bell rang for dismissal.

I've decided to do a tag called 'ABC About Me'. I discovered it on my fellow blogger Mary's blog; I loved the post and I just had to do it as well! (Check her amazing blog out HERE.)

A - Available or married?
I'm currently on team 'Forever Alone' but I'm secretly married to Bruno Mars.

B - Book?
Anything by John Green (specifically "Looking For Alaska") 

C - Cake or pie?
Cake, I hate pie!

D - Drink of choice?
Vodka. Just kidding, Sprite.

E - Essential item?

F - Favorite color?

G - Game to play or watch?
Basketball, go Chicago Bulls!

H - Hometown?
Silver Spring, Maryland. 99% of you guys probably have no clue where this is.

I - Indulgence?
Food in general, I'm obsessed.

J - Job?
I work at one of the restaurants at a retirement home.

K - Kids and names?
I have no kids, I'm not even legal age yet. But, I'd love to have a couple in the future!

L - Life is incomplete without?
God, my family, food, sleep, and music.

M - Music group or singer?
I listen to a lot of artists, but mainly I listen to Beyonce, Bruno Mars, and Chris Brown.

N - Number of siblings?

O - Oranges or apples?

P - Phobias/Fears?
I'm scared of cats and dogs. And, I hate roller coasters!

Q - Favorite quote?
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Stephen Chbosky

R - Reason to smile?

S - Season?

T - Tattoos?
My mom would literally kill me.

U - Unknown fact about me?
Till this day, I don't know how to ride a bike, whistle, or swim.

V - Vegetable you love?

W - Worst habit?
I can be impatient and yell when I'm stressed out.

X - X-rays you've had?
Nothing serious.

Y - Your favorite food?
Spaghetti and meatballs or mashed potatoes.

Z - Zodiac?

Thanks for reading, MUAH!

- xo, Ngozi


  1. Haha my reason to smile is food :D And my favourite season is autumn too!!
    So much in common :')

  2. Great minds think alike, Lyn! (:

  3. Definitely doing this tag! Let me know of anymore!

  4. Can't wait to see your post and I definitely will keep you updated! (:


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